This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.63 from the input file ./zsh.texi. This is a texinfo version of the man page for the Z Shell, originally by Paul Falstad. It was converted from the `zsh.1' file distributed with zsh v2.5.0 by Jonathan Hardwick, `' and updated/modified by Clive Messer, `' to it's present state. File:, Node: Top, Next: The Z Shell Guide, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) The Z Shell Guide ***************** This Info file documents Zsh, a freely available UNIX command interpreter (shell), which of the standard shells most closely resembles the Korn shell (ksh), although it is not completely compatible. Document Edition 2.1.2, last updated 8 July 1996, of `The Z Shell Guide', for zsh, Version 3.0. * Menu: * The Z Shell Guide:: * Introduction:: * Invocation:: * Shell Grammar:: * Expansion:: * Redirection:: * Command Execution:: * Functions:: * Jobs & Signals:: * Arithmetic Evaluation:: * Conditional Expressions:: * Zsh Line Editor:: * Parameters:: * Options:: * Shell Builtin Commands:: * Programmable Completion:: -- Indices -- * Concept Index:: * Variables Index:: * Options Index:: * Functions Index:: * Editor Functions Index:: * Keystroke Index:: -- The Detailed Node Listing -- Introduction * Author:: * Availability:: * Undocumented Features:: * Mailing Lists:: * Further Information:: Shell Grammar * Simple Commands & Pipelines:: * Precommand Modifiers:: * Complex Commands:: * Alternate Forms For Complex Commands:: * Reserved Words:: * Comments:: * Aliasing:: * Quoting:: Expansion * Filename Expansion:: * Process Substitution:: * Parameter Expansion:: * Command Substitution:: * Arithmetic Expansion:: * Brace Expansion:: * Filename Generation:: * History Expansion:: Zsh Line Editor * Movement:: * History Control:: * Modifying Text:: * Arguments:: * Completion:: * Miscellaneous:: Parameters * Array Parameters:: * Positional Parameters:: * Parameters Set By The Shell:: * Parameters Used By The Shell:: Programmable Completion * Command Flags:: * Options Flags:: * Alternative Completion:: * Extended Completion:: * Example:: File:, Node: The Z Shell Guide, Next: Introduction, Prev: Top, Up: Top The Z Shell Guide ***************** This document has been produced from the texinfo file `zsh.texi', included in the `Doc' sub-directory of the Zsh distribution. Origins ======= The texinfo guide was originally put together by Jonathan Hardwick, `', who converted the `zsh.1' file distributed with zsh v2.5.0. After a period of neglect it was updated by Clive Messer, `' to reflect the many changes made to both the shell, the original `zsh.1', (which due to it's size and ever increasing number of options has since been split into several man-pages: `zsh.1', `zshall.1', `zshbuiltins.1', `zshcompctl.1', `zshcompctl.1', `zshexpn.1', `zshmisc.1', `zshoptions.1', `zshparam.1', `zshzle.1'), and also now includes other useful information from the `META-FAQ'. Producing documentation from zsh.texi. ====================================== Whilst this guide for the most part duplicates the man-pages, (suitably marked-up into texinfo), and is not intended to replace them, it does offer several advantages over them, not least that the texinfo source may be converted into several formats. ie. The Info guide. The Info format allows searching for topics, commands, functions, etc. from the many Indices. The command `makeinfo zsh.texi' is used to produce the Info documentation. The printed guide. The command `texi2dvi zsh.texi' will output `zsh.dvi' which can then be processed with `dvips' and optionally `gs' (Ghostscript) to produce a nicely formatted printed guide. (For those without TeX, `zsh.dvi.gz' and `' are available for download from FIXME_URL.) The html guide. Mark Borges, `', maintains a html version of this guide at `'. (The html version is produced with `texi2html', which may be obtained from `'. The command is, `texi2html -split_chapter -expandinfo zsh.texi') Future ====== This guide is actively maintained by Clive Messer, `', and Mark Borges, `'. Patches, comments, criticism, and suggestions should be sent to either of the above or alternatively, the "zsh-workers" mailing list, `'. File:, Node: Introduction, Next: Invocation, Prev: The Z Shell Guide, Up: Top Introduction ************ Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an interactive login shell and as a shell script command processor. Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has command line editing, builtin spelling correction, programmable command completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a host of other features. * Menu: * Author:: * Availability:: * Undocumented Features:: * Mailing Lists:: * Further Information:: File:, Node: Author, Next: Availability, Up: Introduction Author ====== Zsh was originally written by Paul Falstad, `'. Programmable completion was implemented by Sven Wischnowsky, `' and Peter Stephenson, `'. Richard Coleman, `' did some major cleanups in the code and made zsh very portable using GNU autoconf. Zsh is currently maintained by the members of the zsh workers mailing list, `' and coordinated by Zoltan Hidvegi, `'. File:, Node: Availability, Next: Undocumented Features, Prev: Author, Up: Introduction Availability ============ Zsh is available from the following anonymous ftp sites. The first is the official archive site. The rest are mirror sites which are kept frequently up to date. The sites marked with `(G)' may mirror `' instead of the primary site. Hungary `' Australia `' `(G)' France `' Germany `' `' `' `(G)' Japan `' `' `(G)' Norway `' `(G)' Sweden `' `' `' `' `' `(G)' `' `(G)' File:, Node: Undocumented Features, Next: Mailing Lists, Prev: Availability, Up: Introduction Undocumented Features ===================== Known only to the recipients of the `zsh-workers' mailing list. To join the mailing lists, see *Note Mailing Lists::. File:, Node: Mailing Lists, Next: Further Information, Prev: Undocumented Features, Up: Introduction Mailing Lists ============= Zsh has 3 mailing lists: `' Announcements about releases, major changes in the shell and the monthly posting of the Zsh FAQ. (moderated) `' User discussions. `' Hacking, development, bug reports and patches. To subscribe, send mail with the SUBJECT `subscribe ' to the associated administrative address for the mailing list. `' `' `' YOU ONLY NEED TO JOIN ONE OF THE MAILING LISTS AS THEY ARE NESTED. All submissions to `zsh-announce' are automatically forwarded to `zsh-users'. All submissions to `zsh-users' are automatically forwarded to `zsh-workers'. Un-subscribing is done similarly. If you have problems subscribing/unsubscribing to any of the mailing lists, send mail to Richard Coleman, `'. File:, Node: Further Information, Prev: Mailing Lists, Up: Introduction Further Information =================== * Menu: * The Zsh FAQ:: * The Zsh Web Page:: * See Also:: File:, Node: The Zsh FAQ, Next: The Zsh Web Page, Up: Further Information The Zsh FAQ ----------- Zsh has a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) maintained by Peter Stephenson, `'. It is regularly posted to the newsgroup `' and the `zsh-announce' mailing list. The latest version can be found at any of the Zsh ftp sites, or at: `' File:, Node: The Zsh Web Page, Next: See Also, Prev: The Zsh FAQ, Up: Further Information The Zsh Web Page ---------------- Zsh has a web page maintained by Mark Borges, `' which is located at: `'. File:, Node: See Also, Prev: The Zsh Web Page, Up: Further Information See Also -------- sh(1), csh(1), tcsh(1), rc(1), bash(1), ksh(1), zshbuiltins(1), zshcompctl(1), zshexpn(1), zshparam(1), zshzle(1), zshoptions(1), zshmisc(1) File:, Node: Invocation, Next: Shell Grammar, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top Invocation ********** If the `-s' flag is not present and an argument is given, the first argument is taken to be the pathname of a script to execute. The remaining arguments are assigned to the positional parameters. The following flags are interpreted by the shell when invoked: `-c STRING' Read commands from STRING. Force shell to be interactive. Read command from the standard input. Startup/Shutdown Files ====================== Commands are first read from `/etc/zshenv'. If the `-f' flag is given or if the `NO_RCS' option is set within `/etc/zshenv', all other initialization files are skipped. Otherwise, commands are read from `$ZDOTDIR/.zshenv' (if `ZDOTDIR' is unset, `HOME' is used instead). If the first character of argument zero passed to the shell is `-', or if the `-l' flag is present, then the shell is assumed to be a login shell, and commands are read from `/etc/zprofile' and then `$ZDOTDIR/.zprofile'. Then, if the shell is interactive and the `NO_RCS' option is unset, commands are read from `/etc/zshrc' and then `$ZDOTDIR/.zshrc'. Finally, if the shell is a login shell, `/etc/zlogin' and `$ZDOTDIR/.zlogin' are read. Files ===== $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv $ZDOTDIR/.zprofile $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc $ZDOTDIR/.zlogin $ZDOTDIR/.zlogout ${TMPPREFIX}* (default is /tmp/zsh*) /etc/zshenv /etc/zprofile /etc/zshrc /etc/zlogin /etc/zlogout File:, Node: Shell Grammar, Next: Expansion, Prev: Invocation, Up: Top Shell Grammar ************* * Menu: * Simple Commands & Pipelines:: * Precommand Modifiers:: * Complex Commands:: * Alternate Forms For Complex Commands:: * Reserved Words:: * Comments:: * Aliasing:: * Quoting:: File:, Node: Simple Commands & Pipelines, Next: Precommand Modifiers, Up: Shell Grammar Simple Commands =============== A "simple command" is a sequence of optional parameter assignments followed by blank-separated words, with optional redirections interspersed. The first word is the command to be executed, and the remaining words, if any, are arguments to the command. If a command name is given, the parameter assignments modify the environment of the command when it is executed. The value of a simple command is its exit status, or 128 plus the signal number if terminated by a signal. A "pipeline" is a sequence of one or more commands separated by `|' or `|&'. `|&' is shorthand for `2>&1 |'. The standard output of each command is connected to the standard input of the next command in the pipeline. If a pipeline is preceded by `coproc', it is executed as a coprocess; a two-way pipe is established between it and the parent shell. The shell can read from or write to the coprocess by means of the `>&p' and `<&p' redirection operators. The value of a pipeline is the value of the last command. If a pipeline is not preceded by `!', the value of that pipeline is the logical `NOT' of the value of the last command. A "sublist" is a sequence of one or more pipelines separated by `&&' or `||'. If two pipelines are separated by `&&', the second pipeline is executed only if the first is successful (returns a zero value). If two pipelines are separated by `||', the second is executed only if the first is unsuccessful (returns a nonzero value). Both operators have equal precedence and are left associative. A "list" is a sequence of one or more sublists separated by, and optionally terminated by, `;', `&', `&|', `&!', or a newline. Normally the shell waits for each list to finish before executing the next one. If a list is terminated by a `&', `&|', or `&!', the shell executes it in the background, and does not wait for it to finish. File:, Node: Precommand Modifiers, Next: Complex Commands, Prev: Simple Commands & Pipelines, Up: Shell Grammar Precommand Modifiers ==================== A simple command may be preceded by a "precommand" modifier which will alter how the command is interpreted. These modifiers are shell builtin commands with the exception of `nocorrect' which is a reserved word. The command is executed with a `-' prepended to its `argv[0]' string. `noglob' Filename generation (globbing) is not performed on any of the words. `nocorrect' Spelling correction is not done on any of the words. `exec' The command is executed in the parent shell without forking. `command' The command word is taken to be the name of an external command, rather than a shell function or builtin. File:, Node: Complex Commands, Next: Alternate Forms For Complex Commands, Prev: Precommand Modifiers, Up: Shell Grammar Complex Commands ================ A "complex command" in zsh is one of the following: `if LIST' `then LIST' `[ elif LIST ; then LIST ] ...' `[ else LIST ]' The `if LIST' is executed, and, if it returns a zero exit status, the `then LIST' is executed. Otherwise, the `elif LIST' is executed and, if its value is zero, the `then LIST' is executed. If each `elif LIST' returns nonzero, the `else LIST' is executed. `for NAME [ in WORD ... ]' `do LIST' `done' Expand the list of WORDs, and set the parameter NAME to each of them in turn, executing LIST each time. If the `in WORD' is omitted, use the positional parameters instead of the WORDs. `for NAME [ in WORD ... ] ; SUBLIST' This is a shorthand for the previous form. It is included for convenience, but its use in scripts is discouraged, unless SUBLIST is a command of the form { LIST }. `for NAME in WORD ...' `LIST' Another form of `for'. `foreach NAME ( WORD ... )' `LIST' `end' Another form of `for'. `while LIST' `do LIST' `done' Execute the `do LIST' as long as the `while LIST' returns a zero exit status. `until LIST' `do LIST' `done' Execute the `do LIST' as long as the `until LIST' returns a nonzero exit status. `repeat WORD' `do LIST' `done' WORD is expanded and treated as an arithmetic expression, which must evaluate to a number N. LIST is then executed N times. `repeat WORD SUBLIST' This is a short form of `repeat'. `case WORD in [ [(] PATTERN [ | PATTERN ] ... ) LIST ;; ] ... esac' Execute the LIST associated with the first PATTERN that matches WORD, if any. The form of the patterns is the same as that used for filename generation. *Note Filename Generation::. `case WORD { [ [(] PATTERN [ | PATTERN ] ... ) LIST ;; ] ... }' Another form of `case'. `select NAME [ in WORD ... ]' `do LIST' `done' Print the set of WORDs, each preceded by a number. If the `in WORD' is omitted, use the positional parameters. The `PROMPT3' prompt is printed and a line is read from standard input. If this line consists of the number of one of the listed WORDs, then the parameter NAME is set to the WORD corresponding to this number. If this line is empty, the selection list is printed again. Otherwise, the value of the parameter NAME is set to null. The contents of the line read from standard input is saved in the parameter `REPLY'. LIST is executed for each selection until a break or end-of-file is encountered. `select NAME [ in WORD ] ; SUBLIST' A short form of `select'. `( LIST )' Execute LIST in a subshell. `{ LIST }' Execute LIST. `function WORD [ () ] ... { LIST }' `WORD ... () { LIST }' `WORD ... () SUBLIST' Define a function which is referenced by any one of WORD. Normally, only one WORD is provided; multiple WORDs are usually only useful for setting traps. The body of the function is the LIST between the `{' and `}'. *Note Functions::. `time [ PIPELINE ]' The PIPELINE is executed, and timing statistics are reported on the standard error in the form specified by the `TIMEFMT' parameter. If PIPELINE is omitted, print statistics about the shell process and its children. `[[ EXP ]]' Evaluates the conditional expression EXP and return a zero exit status if it is true. *Note Conditional Expressions::, for a description of EXP. File:, Node: Alternate Forms For Complex Commands, Next: Reserved Words, Prev: Complex Commands, Up: Shell Grammar Alternate Forms For Complex Commands ==================================== Many of zsh's complex commands have alternate forms. These particular versions of complex commands should be considered deprecated and may be removed in the future. The versions in the previous section should be preferred instead. `if LIST {' `LIST' `} elif LIST {' `LIST' `} ... else {' `LIST' An alternate form of `if'. `if LIST' `SUBLIST' A shorter form of previous one which only works if `NO_SHORT_LOOPS' is not set. `for NAME ( WORD ... ) {' `LIST' An alternate form of `for'. `for NAME ( WORD ... ) SUBLIST' A shorter form of the previous one which only works if `NO_SHORT_LOOPS' is not set. `while LIST {' `LIST' An alternate form of `while'. File:, Node: Reserved Words, Next: Comments, Prev: Alternate Forms For Complex Commands, Up: Shell Grammar Reserved Words ============== The following words are recognized as "reserved words" when used as the first word of a command unless quoted or removed using `disable -r': `do' `done' `esac' `then' `elif' `else' `fi' `for' `case' `if' `while' `function' `repeat' `time' `until' `select' `coproc' `nocorrect' `foreach' `end' File:, Node: Comments, Next: Aliasing, Prev: Reserved Words, Up: Shell Grammar Comments ======== In non-interactive shells, or in interactive shells with the `INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS' option set, a word beginning with the third character of the `histchars' parameter (`#' by default) causes that word and all the following characters up to a newline to be ignored. File:, Node: Aliasing, Next: Quoting, Prev: Comments, Up: Shell Grammar Aliasing ======== Every token in the shell input is checked to see if there is an alias defined for it. If so, it is replaced by the text of the alias if it is in command position (if it could be the first word of a simple command), or if the alias is global. If the text ends with a space, the next word in the shell input is treated as though it were in command position for purposes of alias expansion. An alias is defined using the `alias' builtin; global aliases may be defined using the `-g' option to that builtin. Alias substitution is done on the shell input before any other substitution except history substitution. Therefore, if an alias is defined for the word `foo', alias substitution may be avoided by quoting part of the word, e.g. `\foo'. But there is nothing to prevent an alias being defined for `\foo' as well. File:, Node: Quoting, Prev: Aliasing, Up: Shell Grammar Quoting ======= A character may be "quoted" (that is, made to stand for itself) by preceding it with a `\'. `\' followed by a newline is ignored. All characters enclosed between a pair of single quotes (`''') are quoted, except the first character of `histchars' (`!' by default). A single quote cannot appear within single quotes. Inside double quotes (`""'), parameter and command substitution occurs, and `\' quotes the characters `\', ``', `"', and `$'. File:, Node: Expansion, Next: Redirection, Prev: Shell Grammar, Up: Top Expansion ********* The types of expansions performed are "history expansion", "alias expansion", "process substitution", "parameter expansion", "command substitution", "arithmetic expansion", "brace expansion", "filename expansion", and "filename generation". Expansion is done in the above specified order in five steps. The first is "history expansion" which is only performed in interactive shells. The next step is "alias expansion" which is done right before the command line is parsed. They are followed by "process substitution", "parameter expansion", "command substitution", "arithmetic expansion", and "brace expansion" which are performed in one step in left-to-right fashion. After these expansions, all unquoted occurrences of the characters `\', `'', and `"' are removed and the result is subjected to "filename expansion" followed by "filename generation". * Menu: * Filename Expansion:: * Process Substitution:: * Parameter Expansion:: * Command Substitution:: * Arithmetic Expansion:: * Brace Expansion:: * Filename Generation:: * History Expansion:: File:, Node: Filename Expansion, Next: Process Substitution, Up: Expansion Filename Expansion ================== Each word is checked to see if it begins with an unquoted `~'. If it does, then the word up to a `/', or the end of the word if there is no `/', is checked to see if it can be substituted in one of the ways described here. If so, then the `~' and the checked portion are replaced with the appropriate substitute value. A `~' by itself is replaced by the value of the `HOME' parameter. A `~' followed by a `+' or a `-' is replaced by the value of `PWD' or `OLDPWD', respectively. A `~' followed by a number is replaced by the directory at that position in the directory stack. `~0' is equivalent to `~+', and `~1' is the top of the stack. `~+' followed by a number is replaced by the directory at that position in the directory stack. `~+0' is equivalent to `~+', and `~+1' is the top of the stack. `~-' followed by a number is replaced by the directory that many positions from the bottom of the stack. `~-0' is the bottom of the stack. The `PUSHD_MINUS' option exchanges the effects of `~+' and `~-' where they are followed by a number. A `~' followed by anything not already covered is looked up as a named directory, and replaced by the value of that named directory if found. Named directories are typically home directories for users on the system. They may also be defined if the text after the `~' is the name of a string shell parameter whose value begins with a `/'. It is also possible to define directory names using the `-d' option to the `hash' builtin. In certain circumstances (in prompts, for instance), when the shell prints a path, the path is checked to see if it has a named directory as its prefix. If so, then the prefix portion is replaced with a `~' followed by the name of the directory. The shortest way of referring to the directory is used, with ties broken in favour of using a named directory, except when the directory is `/'. If a word begins with an unquoted `=' and the `NO_EQUALS' option is not set, the remainder of the word is taken as the name of a command or alias. If a command exists by that name, the word is replaced by the full pathname of the command. If an alias exists by that name, the word is replaced with the text of the alias. Filename expansion is performed on the right hand side of a parameter assignment, including those appearing after commands of the `typeset' family. In this case, the right hand side will be treated as a colon-separated list in the manner of `PATH' so that a `~' or an `=' following a `:' is eligible for expansion. All such behavior can be disabled by quoting the `~', the `=', or the whole expression (but not simply the colon); the `NO_EQUALS' option is also respected. If the option `MAGIC_EQUAL_SUBST' is set, any unquoted shell argument in the form `IDENTIFIER=EXPRESSION' becomes eligible for file expansion as described in the previous paragraph. Quoting the first `=' also inhibits this. File:, Node: Process Substitution, Next: Parameter Expansion, Prev: Filename Expansion, Up: Expansion Process Substitution ==================== Each command argument of the form `<(LIST)', `>(LIST)' or `=(LIST)' is subject to process substitution. In the case of the `<' and `>' forms, the shell will run process LIST asynchronously, connected to a named pipe (FIFO). The name of this pipe will become the argument to the command. If the form with `>' is selected then writing to this file will provide input for LIST. If `<' is used, then the file passed as an argument will be a named pipe connected to the output of the LIST process. For example, `paste <(cut -f1 FILE1) <(cut -f3 FILE2) | tee >(PROCESS1) >(PROCESS2) >/dev/null' `cut's fields 1 and 3 from the files FILE1 and FILE2 respectively, `paste's the results together, and sends it to the processes PROCESS1 and PROCESS2. Note that the file, which is passed as an argument to the command, is a system pipe so programs that expect to `lseek(2)' on the file will not work. Also note that the previous example can be more compactly and efficiently written as: `paste <(cut -f1 FILE1) <(cut -f3 FILE2) >>(PROCESS1) >>(PROCESS2)' The shell uses pipes instead of FIFOs to implement the latter two process substitutions in the above example. If `=' is used, then the file passed as an argument will be the name of a temporary file containing the output of the LIST process. This may be used instead of the `<' form for a program that expects to `lseek(2)' on the input file. File:, Node: Parameter Expansion, Next: Command Substitution, Prev: Process Substitution, Up: Expansion Parameter Expansion =================== The character `$' is used to introduce parameter expansions. *Note Parameters::, for a description of parameters. In the expansions discussed below that require a pattern, the form of the pattern is the same as that used for filename generation; *Note Filename Generation::. `${NAME}' The value, if any, of the parameter NAME is substituted. The braces are required if NAME is followed by a letter, digit, or underscore that is not to be interpreted as part of its name. If NAME is an array parameter, then the values of each element of NAME is substituted, one element per word. Otherwise, the expansion results in one word only; no word splitting is done on the result. `${+NAME}' If NAME is the name of a set parameter, `1' is substituted, otherwise `0' is substituted. `${NAME:-WORD}' If NAME is set and is non-null then substitute its value; otherwise substitute WORD; the value of the parameter is then substituted. `${NAME:=WORD}' If NAME is unset or is null then set it to WORD; the value of the parameter is then substituted. `${NAME::=WORD}' Set NAME to WORD; the value of the parameter is then substituted. `${NAME:?WORD}' If NAME is set and is non-null, then substitute its value; otherwise, print WORD and exit from the shell. If WORD is omitted, then a standard message is printed. `${NAME:+WORD}' If NAME is set and is non-null then substitute WORD; otherwise substitute nothing. `${NAME#PATTERN}' `${NAME##PATTERN}' If the PATTERN matches the beginning of the value of NAME, then substitute the value of NAME with the matched portion deleted; otherwise, just substitute the value of NAME. In the first form, the smallest matching pattern is preferred; in the second form, the largest matching pattern is preferred. If name is an array and the substitution is not quoted or the `@' flag or the `NAME[@]' syntax is used, matching is performed on each array elements separately. `${NAME%PATTERN}' `${NAME%%PATTERN}' If the PATTERN matches the end of the value of NAME, then substitute the value of NAME with the matched portion deleted; otherwise, just substitute the value of NAME. In the first form, the smallest matching pattern is preferred; in the second form, the largest matching pattern is preferred. If name is an array and the substitution is not quoted or the `@' flag or the `NAME[@]' syntax is used, matching is performed on each array elements separately. `${NAME:#PATTERN}' If the pattern matches the value of NAME, then substitute the empty string; otherwise, just substitute the value of NAME. If NAME is an array and the substitution is not quoted or the `@' flag or the `NAME[@]' syntax is used, matching is performed on each array elements separately, and the matched array elements are removed (use the `M' flag to remove the non-matched elements). `${#SPEC}' If SPEC is one of the above substitutions, substitute the length in characters of the result instead of the result itself. If SPEC is an array expression, substitute the number of elements of the result. `${^SPEC}' Toggle the value of the `RC_EXPAND_PARAM' option for the evaluation of SPEC; if the `^' is doubled, turn it off. When this option is set, array expansions of the form `foo${xx}bar', where the parameter `xx' is set to `(a b c)', are substituted with `fooabar foobbar foocbar' instead of the default `fooa b cbar'. `${=SPEC}' Toggle the value of the `SH_WORD_SPLIT' option for the evaluation of SPEC; if the `=' is doubled, turn it off. When this option is set, parameter values are split into separate words using `IFS' as a delimiter before substitution. This is done by default in most other shells. `${~SPEC}' Toggle the value of the `GLOB_SUBST' option for the evaluation of SPEC; if the `~' is doubled, turn it off. When this option is set, any pattern characters resulting from the substitution become eligible for file expansion and filename generation. If the colon is omitted from one of the above expressions containing a colon, then the shell only checks whether NAME is set or not, not whether it is null. If a `${...}' type parameter expression or a `$(...)' type command substitution is used in place of NAME above, it is substituted first and the result is used as it were the value of NAME. If the opening brace is directly followed by an opening parenthesis the string up to the matching closing parenthesis will be taken as a list of flags. Where arguments are valid, any character, or the matching pairs `(...)', `{...}', `[...]', or `<...>', may be used in place of the colon as delimiters. The following flags are supported: Create an array parameter with `${...:=...}' or `${...::=...}'. Assignment is made before sorting or padding. In double quotes, array elements are put into separate words. Eg. `${(@)FOO}' is equivalent to `${FOO[@]}' and `${(@)FOO[1,2]}' is the same as `$FOO[1]' `$FOO[2]'. Perform "parameter expansion", "command substitution" and "arithmetic expansion" on the result. Such expansions can be nested but too deep recursion may have unpredictable effects. Sort the resulting words in ascending order. Sort the resulting words in descending order. With `o' or `O', makes the sort case-insensitive. Converts all letters in the result to lowercase. Converts all letters in the result to uppercase. Capitalizes the resulting words With `${#NAME}', count the total number of characters in an array, as if the elements were concatenated with spaces between them. With `${#NAME}', count words in arrays or strings; the `s' flag may be used to set a word delimiter. Similar to `w' with the difference that empty words between repeated delimiters are also counted. Recognize the same escape sequences as the `print' builtin in string arguments to subsequent flags. `l:EXPR::STRING1::STRING2:' Pad the resulting words on the left. Each word will be truncated if required and placed in a field EXPR characters wide. The space to the left will be filled with STRING1 (concatenated as often as needed), or spaces if STRING1 is not given. If both STRING1 and STRING2 are given, this string will be placed exactly once directly to the left of the resulting word. `r:EXPR::STRING1::STRING2:' As `l', but pad the words on the right. `j:STRING:' Join the words or arrays together using STRING as a separator. Note that this occurs before word splitting by the `SH_WORD_SPLIT' option. Join the words of arrays together using newline as a separator. This is a shorthand for `pj:\n:'. `s:STRING:' Force word splitting (see the option `SH_WORD_SPLIT') at the separator STRING. Splitting only occurs in places where an array value is valid. Split the result of the expansion to lines. This is a shorthand for `ps:\n:'. (This and all remaining flags are used with the `${...#...}' and `${...%...}' forms). Search substrings as well as beginnings or ends. `I:EXPR:' Search the EXPR'th match (where EXPR evaluates to a number). Include the matched portion in the result. Include the unmatched portion in the result (the Rest). Include the index of the beginning of the match in the result. Include the index of the end of the match in the result. Include the length of the match in the result. File:, Node: Command Substitution, Next: Arithmetic Expansion, Prev: Parameter Expansion, Up: Expansion Command Substitution ==================== A command enclosed in parentheses preceded by a dollar sign, like so: `$(...)' or quoted with grave accents: ``...`' is replaced with its standard output, with any trailing newlines deleted. If the substitution is not enclosed in double quotes, the output is broken into words using the `IFS' parameter. The substitution `$(CAT FOO)' may be replaced by the equivalent but faster `$(' Matches any number in the range `x' to `y', inclusive. If `x' is omitted, the number must be less than or equal to `y'. If `y' is omitted, the number must be greater than or equal to `x'. A pattern of the form `<>' matches any number. Matches anything except the pattern `x'. `x|y' Matches either `x' or `y'. Matches zero or more occurrences of the pattern `x'. `x##' Matches one or more occurrences of the pattern `x'. Parentheses may be used for grouping. Note that the `|' character must be within parentheses, so that the lexical analyzer does not think it is a pipe character. Also note that `/' has a higher precedence than `^'; that is: `ls ^foo/bar' will search directories in `.' except `./foo' for a file named `bar'. A pathname component of the form `(FOO/)#' matches a path consisting of zero or more directories matching the pattern FOO. As a shorthand, `**/' is equivalent to `(*/)#'. Thus: `ls (*/)#BAR' `ls **/BAR' does a recursive directory search for files named BAR, not following symbolic links. For this you can use the form `***/'. If used for filename generation, a pattern may contain an exclusion specifier. Such patterns are of the form `PAT1~PAT2'. This pattern will generate all files matching PAT1, but which do not match PAT2. For example, `*.c~lex.c' will match all files ending in `.c', except the file `lex.c'. This may appear inside parentheses. Note that `~' has higher precedence than `|', so that `pat1|pat2~pat3' matches any time that PAT1 matches, or if PAT2 matches while PAT3 does not. Note also that any `/' characters are not treated specially in the exclusion specifier, so that a `*' will match multiple path segments if they appear in the pattern to the left of the `~'. Patterns used for filename generation may also end in a list of qualifiers enclosed in parentheses. The qualifiers specify which filenames that otherwise match the given pattern will be inserted in the argument list. A qualifier may be any one of the following: Directories Plain files Symbolic links Sockets Named pipes (FIFOs) Executable plain files (0100) Device files (character or block special) Block special files Character special files owner-readable files (0400) owner-writable files (0200) owner-executable files (0100) group-readable files (0040) group-writable files (0020) group-executable files (0010) world-readable files (0004) world-writable files (0002) world-executable files (0001) Setuid files (04000) Setgid files (02000) files with the sticky bit (01000) `dDEV' Files on the device DEV `l[+|-]CT' Files having a link count less than `CT (-)', greater than `CT (+)', or is equal to `CT'. Files owned by the effective user id. Files owned by the effective group id. `uID' Files owned by user ID if ID is a number. If not, the character after the `u' will be used as a separator and the string between it and the next matching separator (`(', `[', `{', and `<' match `)', `]', `}', and `>' respectively; any other character matches itself) will be taken as a user name and translated into the corresponding user id (e.g. `u:foo:' or `u[foo]' for user `foo'). `gID' Like `uID' but with group ids or names. `a[Mwhm][-|+]N' Files accessed exactly N days ago. Files accessed within the last N days are selected using a negative value for N (`-n'). Files accessed more than N days ago are selected by a positive N value (`+n'). Optional unit specifiers `M', `w', `h', or `m' (e.g. `ah5') cause the check to be performed with months (of 30 days), weeks, hours, or minutes instead of days, respectively. For instance, `echo *(ah-5)' would echo files accessed within the last five hours. `m[Mwhm][-|+]N' Like the file access qualifier, except that it uses the file modification time. `c[Mwhm][-|+]N' Like the file access qualifier, except that it uses the file inode change time. `L[+-]N' Files less than N bytes (`-'), more than N bytes (`+'), or exactly N bytes in length. If this flag is directly followed by a `k' (`K'), `m' (`M'), or `p' (`P') (e.g. `Lk+50') the check is performed with kilobytes, megabytes, or blocks (of 512 bytes) instead. Negates all qualifiers following it. Toggles between making the qualifiers work on symbolic links (the default), and the files they point to. Sets the `MARK_DIRS' option for the current pattern. Appends a trailing qualifier mark to the file names, analogous to the `LIST_TYPES', for the current pattern (overrides `M'). Sets the `NULL_GLOB' option for the current pattern. Sets the `GLOB_DOTS' option for the current pattern. More than one of these lists can be combined, separated by commas; the whole list matches if at least one of the sublists matches (they are `or''ed, the qualifiers in the sublists are `and''ed). If a `:' appears in a qualifier list, the remainder of the expression in parentheses is interpreted as a modifier (*Note Modifiers::). Note that each modifier must be introduced by a separate `:'. Note also that the result after modification does not have to be an existing file. The name of any existing file can be followed by a modifier of the form `(:...)' even if no filename generation is performed. Thus: `ls *(-/)' lists all directories and symbolic links that point to directories, and `ls *(%W)' lists all world-writable device files in the current directory, and `ls *(W,X)' lists all files in the current directory that are world-writable or world-executable, and `echo /tmp/foo*(u0^@:t)' outputs the basename of all root-owned files beginning with the string `foo' in `/tmp', ignoring symlinks, and `ls *.*~(lex|parse).[ch](^D^l1)' lists all files having a link count of one whose names contain a dot (but not those starting with a dot, since `GLOB_DOTS' is explicitly switched off) except for `lex.c', `lex.h', `parse.c', and `parse.h'. A `/' at the end of a pattern is equivalent to `(/)'. File:, Node: History Expansion, Prev: Filename Generation, Up: Expansion History Expansion ================= History substitution allows you to use words from previous command lines in the command line you are typing. This simplifies spelling corrections and the repetition of complicated commands or arguments. Command lines are saved in the history list, the size of which is controlled by the `HISTSIZE' variable. The most recent command is retained in any case. A history substitution begins with the first character of the `histchars' parameter which is `!' by default and may occur anywhere on the command line; history substitutions do not nest. The `!' can be escaped with `\' or can be enclosed between a pair of single quotes (`''') to suppress its special meaning. Double quotes will not work for this. Input lines containing history substitutions are echoed on the terminal after being expanded, but before any other substitutions take place or the command gets executed. * Menu: * Event Designators:: * Word Designators:: * Modifiers:: File:, Node: Event Designators, Next: Word Designators, Up: History Expansion Event Designators ----------------- An event designator is a reference to a command-line entry in the history list. Start a history substitution, except when followed by a blank, newline, `=', or `('. Refer to the previous command. By itself, this substitution repeats the previous command. Refer to command-line N. `!-N' Refer to the current command-line minus N. `!STR' Refer to the most recent command starting with STR. `!?STR[?]' Refer to the most recent command containing STR. Refer to the current command line typed in so far. The line is treated as if it were complete up to and including the word before the one with the `!#' reference. `!{...}' Insulate a history reference from adjacent characters (if necessary). File:, Node: Word Designators, Next: Modifiers, Prev: Event Designators, Up: History Expansion Word Designators ---------------- A word designator indicates which word or words of a given command line will be included in a history reference. A `:' separates the event specification from the word designator. It can be omitted if the word designator begins with a `^', `$', `*', `-' or `%'. Word designators include: The first input word (command). The N'th argument. The first argument, that is, `1'. The last argument. The word matched by (the most recent) `?STR' search. `x-y' A range of words; `-y' abbreviates `0-y'. All the arguments, or a null value if there is just one word in the event. Abbreviates `x-$'. Like `x*' but omitting word `$'. Note that a `%' word designator will only work when used as `!%', `!:%', `!?str?:%' and only when used after a `!?' substitution. Anything else will result in an error, although the error may not be the most obvious one.